Avatar of Avraham Venismach
Avraham Venismach

Author Archives: Avraham Venismach

67: Sweet and Sour Religion

How do you help a young person feel the sweetness of prayer? We have pages and pages of prayers I can totally understand how that could feel like a burden. The question is… How to sweeten the sour?

Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/avraham-venismach/message

64: Now this is getting Ready for Shabbos!!

Wow! You be on Rabbi Ari Kahn’s Facebook feed! He will feed you the most amazing Shabbos delicious dishes with great Torah’s to go with it! I originally did this episode on Zoom, then uploaded it to YouTube. Rav Ari gave us the visuals on those amazing Shabbat recipes! You can start listening here or go to Youtube and see visuals that will blow your mind! (And make you hungry for Shabbos!!) https://youtu.be/OHDHIw2QCt4

Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/avraham-venismach/message

61: Do you want to be happy? Get your priorities straight!

Have you ever struggled with all the prayers we say every day? Why so much? Couldn’t a simple “Thank you G-d for everything, You are Awesome!” work? Maybe there is more to this than we think… There is! Check it out…

Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/avraham-venismach/message